Tuesday 3 February 2009

It's a mess...

Should I be worried because the 20 percent of Islam teachers in Austrian schools believe that democracy is in conflict with the teachings of the Qur'an actually cause me less worry than the fact that the Vatican has just assigned a raving homophobe and wackjob (because that's what we would call someone who said that God has wiped out New Orleans because of gays, lesbians and abortion clinics if he was anything but a representative of the Church) to a post in Linz (against the will of pretty much everyone in Linz) - and not to forget about the Holocaust denying dude who has just been accepted back into the Church. Even more stunning that Die Presse calls these people "Traditionalists". So where exactly are the Conservatives when it comes to defending themselves against being put into one group with people like that?

[and apparantly, my issues with the Catholic church are just more serious because I dislike how they seem to get away with so much more than any other religious group in this country. Because naturally this whole matter would have been handled differently if a high-ranking Muslim had said anything similar.]


? said...

This is terribly controversial

flame gun for the cute ones said...

Seriously, I think rehabilitating a Holocaust denier to make friends with some wacky right-wing "brotherhood" and then feeling bad because thousands of people decide to leave the Catholic Church isn't exactly controversial, it's just plainly inconsiderate and stupid.