Friday, 14 August 2009

My favourite story of the day

Stephen Hawkings, on the day before being awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, enters the current US health care debate. In an editorial in the Investor's Business Daily (meanwhile corrected), the author paints a dark and moody picture of how the genius physicist might have been dead by now, had he enjoyed the socialist health care system that is the UK's NHS. As we all know, representatives of government run health care systems occasionally get together in horror-movie-worthy castles on hills (possibly resembling the Republican's Party headquarters in "The Simpsons") to decide who is going to live and who is going to die (they call these "Death Panels" because their savvy PR-manager told them so) . Private insurers with their reassuringly clean boardrooms naturally do not care about such things and would never, ever betray people by revoking their insurance once they have actually become sick.
The only flaw in the story? Hawkings is British. Er, dude, google? Wikipedia?

[via the Rachel Maddow Show]

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