Thursday, 3 September 2009

Linkliste unbehandelter Themen

Popkulturlastig, diesmal. Also, Wikipedia Galore.

By accident (possibly a reference on Boing Boing), I found a collection of photos of Detroit's decline - and what nature does to architecture that is no longer in use. As someone who was very fascinated with the idea behind Alan Weisman's "The World Without Us" (and ironically I only saw someone reading the German translation a couple of days ago on the subway), these places seem incredibly interesting to me. Also, while reading about "Silent Hill" (the film adaptation by "The Pact of Wolves" director Christophe Gans, not the game itself), I came across the town of Centralia, Pennsylvania, that was reduced to a population of 9 after a mine fire that started in 1962. Follow the link to "mine fire" - I had no idea that these things could go on for centuries (the article mentions the German town of Dudweiler, where a mine fire has been burning since the 17th century).

is going to buy Marvel. In more concerning news about the comic book publisher, there are rumours that the next issue of "Runaways" might be the penultimate one - although there is still hope, since there seems to be a Runaways-movie in the works (and I would love to see Dichen Lachman play Karolina, or Karolina's mom).

The Chicago Reader has an incredibly well-written portrait of David Bazan, formerly Pedro the Lion, who has just come out with his first full-lenght album called "Curse Your Branches" (which is certainly going to end up on my personal list of favourite records this year). His former publicist discusses in detail Bazan's religious crisis, how he turned to agnosticism, and how his lyrics reflect his struggle with religion and addiction.

"The Killing Jar" is a serial killer thriller (is that a genre?) directed by Mark Young, featuring apart from Michael Madsen, Harold Perrineau ("Lost"), Denny Trejo and Jake Busey also Amber Benson. I'd watch anything that has Amber Benson in it (no, really. Even the dreadful "Taboo"), but the remarkable thing about the trailer is the collection of commentors who all mentioned the "oh no, she is possibly going to get shot again" situation.

It's strange how two things occurring on tv shows can spark a cultural debate over black-face. "Mad Men" did it on Sunday's episode, but the first one to go there was "Weeds" the week before. By the way, I realize that I've never really written about "Mad Men" although it is a complex and interesting show set in the 1960s dealing with how American culture changed - set in an ad agency on Madison Avenue. But right now, the only thing coming to my mind is "Peggy Olsen is such an awesome character" and then I'd have to stop. There are plenty of wordy and more thoughtful discussions going on about feminism (just google "feminism on mad men") and the (missing) depiction of Afro-Americans on the show elsewhere.

In other news: it is always easier to talk about polling results than actual policy, just as some tv stations assume that political interviews become more relevant when they invite some kind of celebrity as a second interviewer and stage it somewhere with fancy buildings and weather-interventions. One day, I will get my Austrian Rachel Maddow, and that will be a good day.

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