Tuesday, 26 January 2010


Alright, cough syrup and pain killers it is. I have this very typical common cold but somehow, my wisdom teeth are affected by it as well, which means that my head feels like a balloon and my eyes are all teary and the second I go outside... well, it just doesn't work. Which is really, really not good in finals week.
[also, I take back some of the things I said about the neighbours renovating: Apparently my other neighbour is fixing up the apartment for his wife's mom, who is OLD, and I know how the whole meeting-the-needs-of-handicapped-persons process works, and how important it is, so yeah. I take back what I said about dinosaurs.]

In other news, this trailer and this review both make me very happy (and no, I did not know that the Runaways were a teen band, and was wondering why they would cast a fifteen year old girl to do all the things Cherie Currie and Joan Jett did in the Seventies). I have a soft spot in my heart for actresses I like who are stuck in a franchise that I seriously DO NOT LIKE, so way to go, Kristen Stewart. Way to pull a Jessica Biel there.

Last night's episode of "Heroes"? Not so much.

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