Friday 5 March 2010

Episode Six. I'm not you. I have trust.

I like JJ. He knows that things are fragile, so he takes care of them - because sometimes he can't, and then he wakes up with the things he cherishes and loves in ruins. JJ understands that life can't ever be simple, and that you have to work to make it okay everyday. This is why I really hope that he is happy by the end of this episode - and that there is a scene between him and Naomi.

electrelane. IN BERLIN.  micachu. LIPS (REMIX). the xx. ISLANDS. regina spektor. MARRY ANN. frightened rabbit. THE TWIST. man/miracle. ORANGE BLOSSOMS.

PopSugar UK Interview with Ollie Barbieri ("Describe the other cast members in three words")
YAY, finally. An Unseen with Panda (watch it. This is probably my favourite Unseen so far, yes, it even beats Naomi and Emily living in a tree, and not just because I really really love Pandora and feel like the writers should have figured out how to give her more to do in this series). She is totally going to get into a good University and surprise everyone (oh, the teacher is COOP from "Imagine Me & You". Of course. I love that movie).

Oh, my prediction for the finale: in a surprising and ironic (considering Naomi's situation in s3) turn, the writers of "Skins" will take Buffy's seventh season as a source of inspiration and have everybody live at Naomi's place. Also, everybody except JJ and Pandora will have been expelled. 

Liveblogging, kind of.

omg. I've been smiling for 19 minutes now. Remember how "Skins" can sometimes not be completely emotionally devastating? It's AWESOME (the second either Naoms or Ems walk into the scene, it will be over though. Which is OK, as I am prepared.)
Oh Em. Why is everyone pulling a Cassie these days? (it explains though why Pandora said she couldn't study at Naomi's, where she presumably lives now, because of all the shouting. I really thought, and hoped, that Emily moved out after "Katie". WHY DOESN'T SHE MOVE OUT?)
JJ's mum. Consistently good parent, rather than just in one or two scenes like Gina and Rob.
OH MICACHU. I even called the song.
Babysitting. Who came up with the idea of letting Naomi end  and Emily babysit? [ok they don't. clearly the cuteness I was pining for is way, way off-limits right now.]
Today I thought that Naomi could basically kill someone and I would still be all "someone needs to hug her, she's unhappy". I don't know why. And now in addition to that, I also want Katie to slap Emily again, although I vaguely get what she is doing. But it's a bit too much, really (also explains the last bit of this interview that was shot while this episode was filming). She is trying to prove Thomas right, that you "can't stop loving the ones that hurt you", and does it in the most painful (for herself) and cruel (for Naomi) way possible. I wonder whether the writers watched the sixth season of "Buffy", Tara and Willow working through their difficulties, and said "let's not do that. Actually, let's do the exact opposite." (and then they picked "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf" as inspiration for the dysfunctional household)
Smiles gone.
Happiness gone.

I pictured Mr "Distill Anything Course" differently.
What's with the Michael Jackson, Skins?

Grand gestures.
They're pretty.
and sometimes...
they WORK.

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