Monday 13 June 2011

Just trying to get my groove back...

  • News from Syria, Yemen, leaving US defence secretary Gates' opinion on NATO's effectiveness, especially in Libya. 
  • Watched two fairly awful movies in the past week, both of them I wouldn't recommend and they won't show up on my Reading List for this month because I skipped through some scenes. I had higher expectations of both, mostly because of their casts: Super was just not a very good movie, and X-Men: First Class was basically a bromance (and I use that term with an implied disgusted tone, since the word itself is as gross as the concept of "girlcrushes" and "no homo") that made no use whatsoever of the incredible supporting cast playing severely undeveloped characters. On the other hand, my favourite X-Men movie is still the third one, which is apparently a fauxpas comparable to arguing that the Star Wars prequels were a good idea, so grain of salt, etc.
  • TV shows returning soon: Luther and Pretty Little Liars for a second season. What can I say, I contain multitudes. Doctor Who, after its great reveal (THE ONLY WATER IN THE FOREST IS  RIVER), is on hiatus until Fall.
  • The Mountain Goats covered Jawbreaker's Boxcar for the A.V. Club's Undercover-series. 
  • The Rosebuds divorced but didn't break up; released a new record titled Loud Planes Fly Low

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