Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Linkliste unbehandelter Themen

-Politics edition.

The New York Times portrays a group of South Sudanese journalists who publish a daily print newspaper in Juba, under difficult circumstances. Meanwhile, president Obama has dispatched military officers to support the UN mission (UNMISS)

A French investigation into the 1994 death of Rwandan president Juvenal Habyarimana, the event that is considered to have triggered the genocide and was believed to have been caused by Paul Kagame's oppositional Patriotic Front, has found that the plane could not have been shot down from Kagame's camp. 

Nigeria is shaken by outrage over rising fuel prices (after the government lifted gas subsidies and prices almost doubled, also causing a cost increase in food prices) and ethnic violence. 

Two years after the devastating earthquake, the situation in Haiti is still terrible. 

Foreign Affairs on how the situation in Syria would need need to change to make a foreign intervention more likely: the fractured opposition has "to coalesce into a unified political force worth backing". 

The Atlantic provides A View Inside Iran - the everyday life rather than what is currently making headlines. 

Die Zeit has a fascinating collection of photos by Peter Bialobrzeski, of the rapidly growing megacities in Asia. 

SOPA will possibly be voted on this month in the United States' House of Representatives, and for the first time ever, people who may actually be able to judge the consequences are being asked to contribute to the debate

The Center for Strategic and International Studies on some of the current burning questions (Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, "Is Europe the new 'sick man' of Europe?"

Brookings on the implications of Brazil, India, Indonesia, South Africa and Turkey's reaction to the "Arab Awakening". 

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