Tuesday 12 November 2013

Reaction Post - I couldn't help but change.

The Good Wife: 5x07 The Next Week.

Less of a clusterfuck episode this time than we've had in weeks: L/G is dealing with a malpractice suit that forces them to bribe Alicia (with her capital contribution she had to pay when she became partner - that Peter fronted her) into a deposition. The blame for a bribe paid to a Native American tribe (for adopting a child, the whole thing would be pretty awful if it were more fleshed out) shifts from Alicia to David to Howard to that awful "let's all split our bonuses now that I've lost mine" dude who promptly jumps ship back to L/G and is just awful in general, good thing he's gone - there doesn't seem to be any resolution to the case yet, and for now, thanks to awful bonus dude, the blame stays with Alicia. Who still has a whole firm operation out of her living room, and an inquisitive brother that decides to go tell Will all about her tender feelings once he finds out about the drama that went down three weeks ago. "She was afraid of falling in love with you, that's why she left!" It's lovely and a train-wreck at the same time, as expected. Will pretends he isn't really listening but he really, really is listening, especially to the "Peter and her aren't set in stone" part. 
He's also busy dealing with one of Alicia's clients, a college kid arrested for drunk driving but jailed for a murder once the police tests his DNA (and it seems like he actually did it, or was very elaborately set up, but no resolution on that front either). 
Elsewhere, Zach realizes that a lot of the computers in the apartment are being RATted (if that is the term - someone's watching over the webcams), which becomes more of a personal concern to him when he realizes what the responsible person is doing with pics gotten through Grace's webcam. It ends up with him beating up someone at school, except I have a suspicion this is the fall-out of those CIA nerds managing to get into "the governor's mansion" (a term now even more ridiculous, with all the F/A bees swarming around in it) through Zach's ex-girlfriend's bitter tears. We'll see. 
The awesome thing that happens, and it happens because awful bonus guy betrayed everyone, is that the open spot he left will be filled by Cary's best bud Clarke Hayden, who'll...work for free... and 24/7... because he loves the law (and Cary, he really really loves Cary) so much and because so far, F/A is a financial disaster. 
  • IT'S TEMPORARY! -words that will haunt Alicia Florrick in the months to come. Do they all actually sleep there, potential slayers style?
  • Gesundschrumpfen. Perfectly pronounced by Christine Baranski.

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