Just as I was really starting to enjoy the new, fifth season of the L Word, another one of my favourite characters is leaving. Everything looked so promising: I even starte dto like the general wackiness of Jenny, since producer Chaiken has meanwhile managed to throw characters over the edge of complete madness so often that it does not even seem, say, weird or completely random. The pose fits Mia Kirshner better than it ever did Rachel Shelley (who has left the show) and Laurel Holloman (who, if you read her interviews very carefully, didn't enjoy what was happenening to her character either). What I said about TV shows sometimes being so over-the-edge that you believe it is a nightmare you are having rather than something actually watched by millions of people absolutely applies to the L Word, but the acting is so good that they still get away with being a drama show, not a comedy like "Popular" or "Arrested Development". I guess Chaiken has a completely different approach than Joss Whedon does. The cast is so amazing that I always fail to really tell whether the show is bad or good.
The Academy Award Nominations were announced today. The rumours about Ellen Page are true: Her name has shown up on nearly all nomination-predictions, and nominated she is. She'll turn 21 4 days before the ceremony. I guess her chances aren't that great (she's running against Cate Blanchett, Julie Christie, Marion Cotillard and Laura Linney) but she should have gotten that nomination for "Hard Candy" anyway. Most promising young actress?
I never really care who wins the Oscars, and they have long lost the ability to actually pick out the movies you still care for two years later, but Jon Stewart presenting in the year of presidential elections? That should be fun! At least if the writers get what they want, and soon. I can't repeat that often enough. (oh, and the best movies I have SEEN last year, not actually failed to see despite wanting to, were "Ratatouille", "Harry Potter" and "Knocked Up" just because it surprised me so much. Haven't been to "I'm Not There" and "Persepolis" yet)
And "Jukebox" is out. I know, this should probably be the most exciting post for me, considering the name, but...it's not. I've been listening to "Dear Sir" and "What Would the Community Think" over and over again ever since getting "Jukebox", and, well, I think in some years, those are still going to be my first picks. Eagerly awaiting "Sun". Something happened in those past two years, something that has to do with reading about Chan being called a Soul-Diva, which is of course great because she admires Mary J. Blige so much but still... Difficult, if your favourite artists develop, and grow up to be amazingly gifted musicians, but their style doesn't fit your state of mind anymore.
The Academy Award Nominations were announced today. The rumours about Ellen Page are true: Her name has shown up on nearly all nomination-predictions, and nominated she is. She'll turn 21 4 days before the ceremony. I guess her chances aren't that great (she's running against Cate Blanchett, Julie Christie, Marion Cotillard and Laura Linney) but she should have gotten that nomination for "Hard Candy" anyway. Most promising young actress?
I never really care who wins the Oscars, and they have long lost the ability to actually pick out the movies you still care for two years later, but Jon Stewart presenting in the year of presidential elections? That should be fun! At least if the writers get what they want, and soon. I can't repeat that often enough. (oh, and the best movies I have SEEN last year, not actually failed to see despite wanting to, were "Ratatouille", "Harry Potter" and "Knocked Up" just because it surprised me so much. Haven't been to "I'm Not There" and "Persepolis" yet)
And "Jukebox" is out. I know, this should probably be the most exciting post for me, considering the name, but...it's not. I've been listening to "Dear Sir" and "What Would the Community Think" over and over again ever since getting "Jukebox", and, well, I think in some years, those are still going to be my first picks. Eagerly awaiting "Sun". Something happened in those past two years, something that has to do with reading about Chan being called a Soul-Diva, which is of course great because she admires Mary J. Blige so much but still... Difficult, if your favourite artists develop, and grow up to be amazingly gifted musicians, but their style doesn't fit your state of mind anymore.
was du über cat power und 'jukebox' schreibst, entspricht ziemlich genau dem, was ich darüber denke. mir ging es allerdings mit 'the greatest' schon so (die erste 'covers'-cd zählt für mich irgendwie nicht)und mit abstrichen auch schon für 'free'. meine highlights sind nach wie vor 'what would the community think' und 'moon pix', und werden es wohl auch für immer bleiben. ich gönne ihr allen erfolg der welt, grammys, fette werbeverträge und wegen mir auch ein glückliches familienleben, doch die fragile, destruktive, depressive, exzessive cat power ist/war mich noch die liebste. jetzt bin ich gespannt auf die neue portishead. grüße :)
Ich habe auch auf "The Greatest" und "Free" meine Lieblingssongs, die sind aber bezeichnenderweise genau jene, die eher an die alten Platten anschließen (v. a. "Hate"). Sonst war für mich das essentielle an Cat Power Platten, dass ihre Stimme das wichtigste am Song war: die Zerbrechlichkeit, und die Musik eine dezente und perfekt passende Untermalung. Das hat sich für mich mit "The Greatest" geändert: Da lenkt für mich die Musik zu sehr ab. Sind trotzdem noch wunderschöne Songs, aber eben nicht mehr das, was für mich Cat Power ursprünglich ausgemacht hat. Ach ja: "Dear Sir" mag ich deswegen so gerne, weil ich nach "Itchyhead" immer verwirrt bin und bei "No Matter" regemäßig nachschaue, ob das nicht doch von Sonic Youth ist.
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