Die Zyniker hoffen jetzt, dass John McCain sich für jemanden entscheidet, der nicht 15 Jahre älter ist als er.
"Joseph Biden ist seit 1973 Senator für den Bundesstaat Delaware und ist einer der Dienstältesten in dieser Kongresskammer. Seine Spezialität ist die Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik. So leitet der 65-Jährige auch den Auswärtigen Ausschuss des Senats. Seine rhetorischen Fähigkeiten sind im Kongress berühmt und gefürchtet."
Die Zeit - Obama will Biden als Vize-Präsident
Mr. Obama’s selection ended a two-month search that was conducted almost entirely in secret. It reflected a critical strategic choice by Mr. Obama: To go with a running mate who could reassure voters about gaps in his résumé, rather than to pick someone who could deliver a state or reinforce Mr. Obama’s message of change.
Mr. Biden is the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and is familiar with foreign leaders and diplomats around the world. Although he initially voted to authorize the war in Iraq — Mr. Obama opposed it from the start — Mr. Biden became a persistent critic of President George W. Bush’s policies in Iraq.
NY Times - Obama Chooses Biden as Running Mate
Biden doesn't scream change (Obama's got that account covered). But he does offer stability and weight in a dangerous world. His credentials as the author of the 1994 crime bill might be most important of all, say some Democrats who expect Republicans to paint Obama as soft on crime. Obama's central pitch is about just how much is at stake in this election. Biden affirms that.
This isn't to say Biden is without political benefit. He's a practicing Catholic, and Obama has had trouble with that constituency. Despite the fancy-looking suits, Biden isn't rich (a convenient thing when you're making fun of houses-by-the-dozen John McCain), and he knows how to reach out to blue-collar voters. (He's the son of a used-car salesman.)
Slate - It's Biden Time!
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