Sunday 12 July 2009

...not really proudly presenting the new (also, dead) celebrity member

"Austria has few prominent gay figures. There's Alfons Haider, the host of Strictly Come Dancing, a sort of Austrian Dancing With the Stars, and the supposed inspiration behind the Brüno character. Lunacek, a Green Party politician, is known for her work in Austrian parliament and now represents Austria in the European Parliament. Perhaps the most famous Austrian homosexual was Jorg Haider (no relation to Alfons), the longtime leader of the far-right Austrian Freedom Party and Alliance for the Future of Austria, who died in a car crash after leaving a gay bar. Although Haider was not out during his lifetime, his successor as head of the Alliance party claimed that their relationship "went far beyond friendship." For years, a T-shirt commonly seen at gay pride parades said, "I'm Haider's Boyfriend."

Slate: Vienna Sausage. Is Brüno really representative of Austria's gay community?, July 10, 2009
File under: Also vaguely wacky fun.

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