Sunday 9 January 2011

Rhetoric of Violence

Im Wahlkampf vor den Midterm-Elections fand sich Gabrielle Giffords auf einer "Abschussliste" von Sarah Palin wieder. Die Republikanerin aufgerufen, 20 Sitze von den Demokraten zu gewinnen und dafür 20 Abgeordnete ins Fadenkreuz gesetzt [...]. Die betreffende Grafik [...] wurde mittlerweile von entfernt.

During the fall campaign, Sarah Palin, the former Republican vice-presidential candidate, posted a controversial map on her Facebook page depicting spots where Democrats were running for re-election; those Democrats were noted by crosshairs symbols like those seen through the scope of a gun. Ms. Giffords was among those on Ms. Palin’s map. 

NY Times: Congresswoman Giffords Shot in Tucson, January 8, 2011

Interview with Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords after she received death threats for her vote on the health care bill.

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