Thursday, 6 November 2008

They wrote "Yes We Can" on the Blackboard and people showed up wrapped in American flags for the lectures

And oh dear, I think Jon Stewart was actually crying when he announced this at 11 PM yesterday night.


ini said...

Ich hätt auch fast geweint als ich die Nachrichten heut früh vor der Uni geschaut hab. (Bin um halb eins schlafen gegangen und hab gehofft, dass nicht wie 2004 beim Aufwachen … well, we know what happened.)
Obwohl man bedenken sollte, dass er auch nicht zaubern kann.

? said...

Its been an interesting time I guess but I will not get ahead of myself and think that a new world begins from tomorrow. You think I can forget your blog? Seems you have stopped following the story...Well, there goes another reader...

flame gun for the cute ones said...

In my expectations, I'm always a realist if not a pessimist (in my wishes, naturally an idealist). So yeah, I know and knew before the election that this is not the end of all bad things in the world. But I certainly feel a bit more confident and probably even hopeful (there goes that word again) with somebody who I trust to pick good advisors and who sounds like he is not lead by some wacky ideology.

Red Eyes, you're right, I stopped following the story for a week because I have been very, very busy, which apparantly does not reflect in the blog but I hardly hat the time to catch my breath and I have very deep respect for your story - and I want to be able to really concentrate on it, which I couldn't have done in the past week. I'll be around more now.

flame gun for the cute ones said...

...oh, der aktuelle Cat and Girl Comic fasst meine momentane Stimmung perfekt zusammen:

flame gun for the cute ones said...