Friday 27 March 2009

But who watches the Watchers?

So yesterday I went out to see "Watchmen". What I though about the movie was immediatly copied to cellar door, although there is still some uncertainty on my part whether this is more on the "The Incredible Four" or "The Dark Knight" (it just seemed very much removed from all the things concerning us in the 21st Century, very much unlike "V for Vendetta") - but I got a chance to see the trailer for JJ Abrams Star Trek movie. Now, in some previous post either here or over at cellar door I mentioned that as a Deep Space Nine fan, watching a movie about the early adult years of the classic crew is kind of hard, since I would rather see what happens to Sisko, Kira, Odo, Ezri Dax and the rest, but we Trekkies cope with such small betrayals. Seeing the trailer for a Star Trek movie for what I think is the first time EVER felt kind of great. I felt about as giddy as I did when I was the only one laughing (among the ten or so people with us, "Watchmen doesn't to so well box-office-wise) when "All Along the Watchtower" played. I am a geek. And Gabriel Gray in "Star Trek" is kinda awesome, I have to admit, so maybe I'll just adapt. Holding a grudge after ten years of potential coping is kinda stupid anyways. So, these are two movies I totally look forward to:

Star Trek XI

Harry Potter - The Half-Blood Prince

1 comment:

? said...

Thanks for the review. You've got me interested in the above two. I don't know just how you do it.