Saturday, 19 June 2010

An evening at the movies...

  • I don't remember "The Picture of Dorian Gray" having that many sex scenes, but I read it a long, long time ago. Or probably, the makers of the movie were like "this is the 21st century, so let's make all the subtle hints blatantly graphic so that those kids get it, too". Said kids, particularly of the male kind, did not very much care for it though. 
  • I saw the "Inception"-trailer for the first time on the big screen. It looks awesome. Is that Ellen Page's character screaming "Wake me up" at the end? (yeah, I saw the movie dubbed, which means that the one thing that might have redeemed it was missing)
  • That "Twilight" trailer was more amusing when followed by Robert Pattinson's interpretation of Kurt Cobain in "Remember Me". And Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning were WAY more entertaining in "The Runaways" (I think I'd be much less creeped out by the 14-18 year olds if they were obsessed with that movie). 
  • Rebecca Hall's character was very endearing until the grand finale. Was there really a suffragist in Wilde's story? 
  • I also don't remember that the ending took place during WWI. Considering that Wilde died in 1900, it probably DIDN'T. 
  • The movie worked very well as a horror film though. 
  • MARC BLUCAS HAS A MOUSTACHE IN "KNIGHT AND DAY"!!! (Naturally, I was the only one at the theatre recognizing that it was Marc Blucas)
  • Seriously, that disturbing image is going to haunt me longer than the actual picture of Dorian Gray.

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