Friday 4 March 2011

Linkliste unbehandelter Themen


Ich bin schon neugierig, wie der Rücktritt des deutschen Verteidigungsministers Guttenberg den all-semestrigen Vortrag zu Plagiaten und Seminararbeiten beeinflussen wird - die ganze Geschichte wirft natürlich auch die Frage auf, wie eine Doktorarbeit an den ausgereiften Programmen vorbeikommen konnte, während einige Leute mit ihren 10-seitigen und wesentlich unwichtigeren Arbeiten scheitern. 

Foreign Policy has an extensive article on China's relationship to dictators in other countries

Die Situation in Libyen verwandelt sich in einen (potentiell langfristige) Bürgerkrieg.  Umfangreiche Berichterstattung dazu bei Al Jazeera.
But over the past day or two, American military officials, even while positioning ships off Libya, have warned that a no-flight zone would not be as antiseptic as it sounded, and that the diplomatic and international political hurdles would be difficult to overcome. It is unclear if it would require an authorization from Congress to use force, the first since the authorization to use force against Iraq passed nearly a decade ago, or authorization by the United Nations.
Such authorization is missing from the United Nations Security Council resolution passed last week, and so far there is no movement in the Council to toughen that resolution.


Vor einigen Monaten gab es eine Slayage-Ausgabe zu Dollhouse, die sehr spannend zu lesen ist.

I can't find a trailer for Super with Nathan Fillion, Rainn Wilson and Ellen Page but a couple of scenes are available online! There seems to be a severe lack of interesting movies at the moment.  I also just finished five seasons of The Wire and now almost everything pales in comparison.
/switching languages like a boss without even noticing it

Neue Bright Eyes, Radiohead, Decemberists, The Rural Alberta Advantage, Jessica Lea Mayfield. Over at cellar door: zum Anlass passende Schreibblockade was Musik betrifft.

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