Thursday 3 October 2013

Links 02/10/13


Preliminary results of the Austrian parliamentary elections: current government parties SPÖ and ÖVP suffered significant losses but are the only two parties with a majority to form a coalition - the FPÖ gained about 4 %, but is only a possible coalition partner for the ÖVP (since the official SPÖ line, apart from some disgruntled functionaries, has been to exclude the FPÖ) with an additional party (Liste Stronach, since both the Greens and the NEOS aren't considering joining a coalition with the Freedom Party).  Other significant changes: former government party BZÖ didn't cross the 4 % threshold and is no longer represented in the national convention, liberal party NEOS made the jump at its first attempt after years of liberal parties in Austria failing to do so, the FPÖ was the strongest party in Styria. The analysis of voters changing their party affiliation since the last election reveals that previous SPÖ voters simply decided not to vote and ÖVP supporters moved to several parties (significantly, NEOS profited). 
Falter examines the positions of the NEOS, Stefan Bachleitner analyses why their campaign was successful
DATUM interviewed former chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer.

Barack Obama and new Iranian president Hassan Rouhani had a historic phone conversation

The ticking time bomb constitutionally built into the American political system went off yesterday. Since Republicans and Democrats in the House of Representatives failed to agree on a budget that the Senate was willing to pass, the federal government shut down. Rolling Stone predicts the Republicans will fail to stop "Obamacare" (a law passed and found constitutional).

Pop Culture: 

The Guardian about architect Zaha Hadid, who also designed a new University building that recently opened in Vienna. 

Criterion interviewed Liv Ullmann on the occasion of a new release of Autumn Sonata, on director Ingmar Bergman. 

Breaking Bad ended. The Atlantic tries to find a literary predecessor that fits. 

Masters of Sex looks like it may be excellent in the future, for now the best thing about it is the fantastic acting. 

CHVRCHES and Thao & The Get Down Stay Down played a KEXP session, Autre Ne Veut collaborates with Viennese musician Cid Rim, Die Goldenen Zitronen and the September mix by Gorilla vs. Bear are pretty awesome. 

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